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Sunday October 27, 2024 10:00:00 CDT


Pastor Senior:

Reverend Adrian Neiconi PhD

Născut la Timișoara, a fost crescut și educat într-o familie de credincioși baptiști, dedicați Domnului și Bisericii Sale.

În anul 1993, se produce evenimentul convertirii sale, în urma unei predici rostite de pastorul Mihai Sârbu. În anul 1999 a absolvit cursurile Institutului Teologic Baptist din București. În anul 2002, este ordinat ca pastor în Biserica Creștină Baptistă Betania din Timișoara, biserică pe care a păstorit-o până în anul 2014.

În anul 2011, i s-a conferit titlul de Doctor în Teologie al Universității din București (PhD). În perioada 1999-2014 a fost profesor la Seminarul Teologic Baptist din București, în intervalul 2012-2014, deținând poziția de Prorector.

Din anul 2014, luna Decembrie, slujește ca pastor senior la Bisericii Creștine Baptiste Române din Chicago.

Este căsătorit cu Olivia (2001), căsnicia lor fiind binecuvântată prin nașterea unui băiețel, David Emanuel.


Born in Timișoara, in 1977, Adrian Neiconi was raised and educated in a family of Baptist believers, dedicated to the Lord and His Church.

In 1993, he lived the conversion event, following a sermon delivered by Pastor Mihai Sârbu.

In 1999, he graduated from the Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest.

In 2011, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Theology of the University of Bucharest (PhD).

During 1999-2014 he held a position of professor at the Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest, and between 2012-2014 he held the position of Vice-Rector. At the Institute, he taught subjects such as Homiletics, Evangelism, the Christian Life and the History of Baptists. In 2012 he published the book “The Word That Transformed the World”.

In 2002, he was ordained as a pastor in the Bethany Baptist Christian Church in Timișoara, a church he pastored until 2014.

Since December 2014, he has been a senior pastor of the Romanian Christian Baptist Church in Chicago.

In 2017-2018 he taught Hermeneutics (Assistant Professor) at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

He is married to Olivia (2001), and their marriage is blessed with the birth of a baby boy, David Emanuel.

Pastor Tineret:

Reverend Alex Helo

Alex Herlo was born in Romania in 1990, but immediately migrated with his family to America at the young age of 1. Being raised in Chicago and raised within the Romanian Community Churches of Chicago, Alex felt the call to ministry within the Romanian community and started his ministry preparation at Moody Bible Institute. After Graduating Moody Bible Institute with a bachelors degree in Pastoral Studies, Alex continued his education and graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with a Masters in Christian Ministry and Leadership.

Alex and his wife Andreea were married in 2017. Along with their beautiful daughter, Evelyn Rose, they love to serve together at church, enjoy time with the extended family, and enjoy spending time together every opportunity they have. Alex, Andreea, and Evelyn cannot wait to see how God will continue to use them in ministry at RBC, and how God will use their family for the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Asociat:

Sorin V. Sabou PhD

PhD, Philosophy (Ethics), University of Bucharest (2022)
PhD, Theology (New Testament), London School of Theology (2001)
MPhil, Philosophy (Ethics), University of Birmingham (2019)
MA, Liberal and Integrative Studies, University of Illinois (2015)
Bachelor of Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca (1996)

Pastoral Ministry
Romanian Baptist Church of Metropolitan Chicago (2023-present)
El Roi Romanian Baptist Church, Chicago (2006-2023)
First Romanian Baptist Church of Brașov (2000-2006)

Academic Ministry
Associate Professor of Bible and Theology, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago (2022-present)
Associate Professor of Theology, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest (2000-2022)
Assistant Professor of Theology, Emanuel University of Oradea (1995-1998)

Married to Simona since 1992. They have two daughters, Andra and Dora.

Pastor Asociat:

Ionel Vasile Tamasan

Graduated in 1997 from Marietta Bible College with a pastoral Theology major. In 1998 he earned an Advanced Biblical Study degree from Marietta Bible Seminary. In 2003 Vasile was ordained as a pastor by the Romanian Baptist Association of USA; at first, Romanian Baptist Church of Chicago.

He is the founder of "Path To Life Ministries," a Christian organization that brings the gospel of Jesus Christ to children and students through VBS, youth camps, and youth conferences. In 2020 Vasile became a certified pastoral member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling. Vasile and his wife Ana were married in 1996. They have two daughters, Ruth and Mary Ann. Along with their daughters, they love to serve the Lord in the local church and through overseas mission trips.

Comitetul de Conducere

  • Adrian Neiconi - Pastor Senior

  • Alex Herlo - Pastor Tineret

  • Sorin V. Sabou - Pastor Asociat

  • Ionel Vasile Tamasan - Pastor Asociat

  • Titus Chira - Secretar

  • Dorin Cirstean - Casier

  • Daniel Baies - Administrator

  • George Sinitean

  • Gigi Dinu

  • Luca Ursan

  • Lucian Pascotescu

  • Iosif Negru

  • Ionut Sas


  • Teofil Ardelean

  • Stefan Banc

  • Eugen Bujdei
  • Ioan Burca

  • Zevedei Broscatean

  • Gigi Dinu
  • Ioan Stef